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Six points for driving a car on snow, please keep in mind!

Driving a car on snow

In the cold winter, there is a lot of snow, and driving a car in a world of ice and snow is facing many challenges. Here are six winter driving tips to keep you safe when the roads get treacherous.

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According to large global data statistics, in winter, more than 60% of the world’s roads are within the range of snowfall.

In the United States alone, a country with relatively high road safety, more than 1,300 people died in traffic accidents caused by icy and snowy road conditions. You have to make sure that you have the confidence and skills to drive a car on these road conditions, so as to ensure that the lives and properties of you and your related people are not damaged.

First, make sure your car is prepared for the weather

If you park your car outdoors in winter, there is a good chance that your car will be covered in snow and ice.

First of all, you have to clean up the snow on the car in time, and the windows must be cleaned to ensure that you can see everything clearly. If the outdoor temperature is too low, such as minus ten degrees, it is best to ensure that there is no liquid that can freeze on the windshield of the car, because a drop of water freezes in an instant at this temperature.

At the same time, don’t forget to clean up the snow on the roof, especially for SUV models. Many people can’t reach it, so they are omitted. The snow on the roof may not only fall on your front windshield when you are driving, but it is also more likely to blow and fall on the rear vehicles when driving at high speed, which poses a great safety hazard.

The traffic laws and regulations in some developed countries have made regulations on vehicle snow removal, which shows its importance.

The next step is to clean up the car tires, especially when the road is frosty. First of all, you must ensure the depth of your tire tread, and secondly, the appropriate inflation pressure. On icy and snowy roads, the air pressure is recommended to be lower than usual, especially in the case of snow.

If you need to drive on ice and snow roads for a long time, you must replace a set of snow tires.

There is another point that many people don’t want to think about, but when the road conditions become extremely bad and you need other people to help you get out of trouble, it often takes time for the rescue team to arrive at the scene.

So be sure to make sure your fuel tank is full before you set off, so as to ensure that there is always a heating supply in your car, otherwise, the situation will be extremely dangerous.


Be gentle and slow when driving

Be sure to slow down, and you would rather arrive at your destination a little later than you are in a hurry. If you have seen the extremely bad weather forecast before, you should get up earlier and set off earlier, then you will have more time, and everything will not be so rushed, and to a certain extent, accidents caused by panic can be avoided.

Driving too fast on winter roads is often the number one cause of accidents. Slippery and snowy roads can greatly extend braking distances. Another thing to consider is that if you can avoid hard braking, do so. Hitting the brakes hard can lock the tires, causing a skid.

Plus, maintaining momentum can help you avoid getting bogged down, as starting off on snow and ice is particularly prone to slippage. If you see a red light ahead, you may need to slow down, so take off the gas and start slowing down. This allows your car to gradually reduce speed, reducing the chance of losing control.


Anticipate danger by watching the road in the distance

Accelerating, decelerating, and changing direction on snowy and icy roads are the places where you are most likely to lose traction, so try to do this as little as possible. That means watching the road and spotting early obstacles and hazards you might encounter while driving.

Like is there a car pulled over with flashing lights on? You have to expect the driver in front of you to slam on the brakes when they have an accident.

You can ease off the gas pedal and slow down before danger strikes so you can pass carefully. Do not follow other drivers. Because they drive in the same environment as you, if you get too close to them, you’re likely to hit them when they lose control.

Watch out for snowplows

In many cities, there are snowplows to clear the snow, and the driver of the snowplow is a difficult job because it is related to the safety of driving on the road. As you drive, take stock of the hard-working snowplow driver.

Just be sure to stay behind it, as a cloud of snow will form next to the plow and you won’t be able to see clearly. Snowplows are also safe with salt, sand, or salt water, but these bounce back and forth when dropped, sometimes hitting the windshield, or causing the salt to stick to the bottom of your car. So it’s best not to try to pass the snowplow. Be patient.

Is your car a four-wheel drive?

All-wheel drive (or four-wheel drive) gives you power to all four wheels, not just the front or rear. In theory, this should make it much harder to get stuck in the snow. However, it doesn’t help you stop faster because that’s the job of the brakes and tires. If your tires lose traction, you’re bound to lose control.

If you do lose control, there are ways to recover. When your car starts to lose traction, first figure out which end of the car is losing control. If the front wheel slips, be sure to steer where you want to go. Next, lift your foot off the gas pedal. Soon enough, your front wheels will gain grip and you’ll be back in control.

If the rear wheel is slipping, you will feel the rear wheel start to spin. In this case, you need to quickly turn the steering wheel in the direction that the rear wheels are driving. Again, let off the gas so you can regain control. In both cases, don’t brake hard. Doing so can easily upset the balance of traction and cause you to lose even more control.

If your car (like most cars in the last 20 years or so) has anti-lock brakes (ABS), make sure you keep your foot firmly on the brake pedal when you use the brakes, even if you feel the pedal bouncing.

If your car does not have an anti-lock braking system, you need to step on the brakes back and forth, not to death at once, so as not to cause brake failure when braking suddenly.


If you don’t have to travel, stay at home!

The best way to stay safe is to stay home. The same goes for winter roads. If your car is at home, it is very difficult to have a traffic accident. You’ve probably followed every piece of our advice, but not everyone does.

Other drivers, who are either inexperienced with snow or feel invincible, often wreak havoc on the road. So if you have the option to stay home when inclement winter weather sets in, you’d better stay home.

Written by: JZ POWER
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Scooters, Snow Equipment since 2003
Welcome OEM ODM

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